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hambones.org FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main ->

·  How do I change my password?
·  How do I submit news?
·  How do I add a review of a book or movie?
·  How can I add something to the calendar?
·  What is a Theme and how do I change mine?
·  What is my Avatar and how do I change it?

·  How do I change my password?

Changing your password on the Hambones website is very easy. However, you do have to be logged in already with your current password. Follow these steps:
1. Once you have logged in, click on the "Your Account" button, on the Main Menu on the left.
2. Click on the "Your Info" button, which should be the very first one on the left under Personal Information.
3. Scroll almost all the way down to the bottom, to right above the Avatar section. The last item is Password.
4. Across from Password is two empty boxes. Type in your new password of choice two times, once in each box.
5. Click on the Save Changes button right beneath the password fields.
You should now be able to log on with your new password.

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·  How do I submit news?

You can submit a news story which will be published on the main page. It's very easy, just follow these few simple steps:
1. Logon to the hambones.org website.
2. On the Main Menu on the Left, click the "Submit News" button
3. Enter a title for your story, and optionally, choose a Topic. (Don't worry about this though, we will pick this for you if you're not sure)
4. Type in your news story in the box labeled "Story Text". If you have a really long story, you can also type more in the "Extended Text" box.
5. Click the Preview button at the bottom and then review your story to make sure it is like you want it to show up. NOTE: You must preview your story one time before you can submit it.
6. After previewing and changing anything you might want to change (or add), then you can either Preview the story again, or Submit it by clicking the "OK" button at the bottom.
After you click ok, you should receive a message that says "Your Article has been Received".
At this point, we will review the story and then "approve" it. This is just an extra level of security we have in place to keep anything unwanted from appearing on the website. We will approve your story, then it should show up on the main Home Page. It will be at the very top, the most recent stories show up first.
If you have any other questions about submitting news, please let us know!

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·  How do I add a review of a book or movie?

We want everyone to share their thoughts on any movies they have seen (at the movie theater or on DVD), and also their thoughts on any book they might have read recently. Therefore, we encourage everyone to add reviews to the Reviews section of the website. Entering a review is very similar to submitting news. You type up what you want to say, then submit it for "approval". Once we approve it, it will show up in the Reviews section of the website.
Here's the exact steps to follow:
1. From the Main Menu on the left, click on the Reviews link.
2. Underneath the alphabet letters, you should see an option for "Write a Review" - click this.
3. In the "Product Title" box, enter the name of the movie or book you want to review.
4. Type in your thoughts in the "Review" text box.
5. You can optionally "rate" or score the movie or book. This is like a 5 star system - except it's on a point scale! If you think the movie rates 4 out of 5 stars, enter an 8 in the score box.
6. As with submitting news, you must first Preview the Review before you can submit it. So click the Preview button at the bottom, then read over your review. You should then see the question "Does this look right" at the bottom. If you want to make any changes, corrections or additions, do so now by saying "No", then going back to your Review. If you are ok with it, then click "Yes" on the "Does this look right" question. Your review is then submitted, and awaits approval.
Once we approve your review, it will show up on the Reviews section of the website (unlike news stories which show up on the home page).
If you have any questions about submitting movie or book reviews, please let us know!

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·  How can I add something to the calendar?

The calendar system is event based. You can submit an event to the calendar, and we will "approve" it, and then it will show up in the calendar for all to view. There's only one thing to consider - if the event you want to add to the calendar is a one-time only event (party, get-together, etc) or if it is a "recurring" event (such as a birthday or anniversary).
To add an event to the calendar, just follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu on the top left, click on the word Calendar.
2. Once the Calendar loads, look to the very top right and locate the line that says "Submit Event Info" - click once on this.
3. Give your event a title such as "Joe's Birthday" or "Get-together at Susie's house". You can enter a location if you wish, this is optional. If you have more information to give, such as directions, specifics, etc, type these into the box that says "Other Information".
4. Under Category, choose what kind of event yours fits - Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday, or choose Generic, which is all others.
5. Choose whether this is a one-time or recurring event, and enter the date. If this is a recurring event, be sure to scroll to the top of the year field and choose "All" rather than a specific year. This makes the item re-occur on the day you specifiy, every year.
6. Click Submit event once you have filled in all the pertinent information.
As with the News Stories and Reviews, these items are set to be "approved" by the site. We have added this extra level of security to keep unwanted or not solicited information off of our shared family and friends website.
If you have any questions about submitting an event to the calendar, please let us know!

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·  What is a Theme and how do I change mine?

A theme can be described as a "look and feel" to the website. Think of it sort of like your desktop in windows - you can get different colors, different icons, different fonts, and just generally change the overall appearance of what you see on your computer screen.
The Hambones website has a way of changing the look to it, and this is called a theme. We have a default theme set for the site, but you can easily change your theme to whichever one you choose.

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·  What is my Avatar and how do I change it?

Your Avatar is a little icon that shows up when you look at "Your Account" and shows up under your name when you post a message in the Forum (message board). You can easily change your Avatar by following these steps (NOTE, we are going to try to download more Avatars, so you will have more choices, we just haven't gotten to that item on our long list yet!) 1. To change your Avatar or set one up, log in to the Hambones site.
2. Click on "Your Account" from the Main Menu on the left
3. Click on "Your Info" from this menu
4. Scroll down all the way to the bottom, until you see the Avatar Control Panel.
5. Click the "Show Gallery" button to see a listing of all avatars currently available on our site
6. Look through all of the available Avatars and then click Once on the one you want to choose as yours
7. You will be returned to the Your Account screen, where it should say "Avatar Saved" and show you your new selection
8. If you want to pick another one, just go through these steps again and pick a different one.

We'll post a note when we get more avatars downloaded for the site. :)

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